14h Start of workshop , goals, round table introductions
14h10 Piero Messina MoonVillage concept and initiative
14h30 Bernard Foing Recent and upcoming lunar missions, EuroMoonmars research, technology and field campaigns
15h00 Germaine van der Sanden & Anna Sitnikova (VU Amsterdam, KABK, ILEWG & ESTEC): Some examples of young professionals research/outreach projects supporting the Moon Village
15h15 Formation of workshop splinter groups
A) Precursor technology and lunar missions (moderator B Foing + S. Papais)
B) Sustainable Moon Habitat Design (moderator G. van der Sanden)
C) Stakeholders engagement (moderator P. Messina )
D) Outreach and bridging with arts and humanities (moderator A. Sitnikova)
17h00 reports from splinter groups and discussion
17h30- 18h00 discussion of follow -up projects