About Moon Gallery

Moon Gallery is an international collaborative artwork and a gallery of ideas worth sending to the Moon. Moon Gallery aims to set up the first permanent museum on the Moon. Moon Gallery will launch 100 artefacts to the Moon within the compact format of 10 x 10 x 1cm plate on a lunar lander exterior panelling as early as 2025. In this Petri-dish-like gallery, we are developing a culture for future interplanetary society. What are the ideas we want to promote into the future? What are the ideas we want to leave behind?

We suggest bringing this collection of ideas as the seeds of a new culture. We believe that culture makes a distinction between mere survival and life. Moon Gallery is a symbolic gesture that has a real influence – a way to reboot culture, rethink our values for better living on Earth planet.

We hope to bring the best of humanity to the Moon and to bring the benefits of the Moon to all people on Earth through a sustainable exploration process. Our initiatives connect Art, Moon, Mars and beyond. This includes the organisation of meetings, workshops, art-science-space classes and projects at various universities, sessions at international conferences, art exhibitions, musical and visual performances.

Moon Gallery Objectives:

– promoting cooperation: bridging innovation, science and art, crossover with space research, developing a space art experiment;

– stimulating research: a collective reflection on artistic heritage, analysis – how to design for space (1/6th gravity, extreme environment);

– promoting artistic quality: offering artists follow up opportunities involving space science expertise;

– reinforcing international position of artistic practice: “International cooperation towards a world strategy for the exploration and utilization of the Moon – our natural satellite” (International Lunar Workshop, Beatenberg (CH), June 1994).

Moon Gallery Foundation:

The official foundation name: Stichting Moon Gallery Foundation.
The official seat of the foundation is in the municipality of Wassenaar, the Netherlands.


The objects of the foundation are:
providing a platform that enables interdisciplinary and international cooperation and knowledge exchange between creative/artistic sectors on the one hand and space/technology sectors on the other hand.

The foundation seeks to achieve these objects by:

Moon Gallery Team:

Curator and Project Manager
Secretary of the Moon Gallery Foundation

Curator and Project Manager
Deputy-Chairperson of the Moon Gallery Foundation

Communications Manager

Special thanks to the conceptual founder and initiator of the gallery – Alexander Zaklynsky. Link to the original abstract.

The foundation operates on a non-profit basis.

The management board members shall not be remunerated for the performance of their duties. The costs for reasonably made expenses in relation to the performance of their duties will be reimbursed to them.

A report of the activities carried out

The board shall keep records pertaining to the financial position and the activities of the foundation, in conformity with the requirements ensuing from the activities of the foundation. The board shall keep these records in such a way that the foundation’s rights and obligations can be ascertained therefrom at all times.

The board is obliged to keep the annual accounts put on paper as well as the books, documents and other data for a period of seven years.

Cultural ANBI

The Moon Gallery has the status of a cultural ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). ANBI translates to Public Benefit Organization and entails that we are active in the cultural field and committed to benefit the public.

By obtaining this status, the Moon Gallery is exempted from the payment of any taxes on gifts and donations. Plus, gifts to an ANBI can be tax deductible for the donors.

Moon Gallery Annual Report 2022

Moon Gallery Annual Report 2021