SUNDAY 21st MAY | 18.00–22.00


Space Community Dinner at The Grey Space in the Middle, The Hague


A 3-course dinner experience with creative dishes inspired by essential ingredients that people would find hard to go without. These ingredients are transformed into surprising variations and incorporated into beloved dishes to add a new dimension to them.


The Grey Space in the Middle

Paviljoensgracht 20-24, 2512 BP Den Haag, Netherlands


The dinner will take place on Sunday the 21st of May from 18.00 till 22.00; doors open at 17.00.

Reservation is necessary.

Price: €22 for the complete menu



A space community dinner session with Lejla Sarcevic

Lejla Sarcevic invites you to reflect on the challenges of life in space. Our tastebuds dull in different aero biomes, but our cravings can grow stronger. Lejla invites you to explore the emotions generated by the simplest ingredients. Which smells, flavors, and textures would we take along on a space mission?

Lejla Sarcevic is a communicator, filmmaker, designer, and amateur cook. With a budget for cookbooks, trips that include a cooking class, and recipe experiments, she finds peace in the kitchen. She often experiments with new dishes without a clear direction and loves to get surprised by the result.


Practical information

  • Doors open at 17.00. Dinner starts at 18.30. Upon reserving, you will receive more information about the exact time that the first course is served.
  • The courses are served to all guests at the same time, so please arrive on time to ensure a full menu portion.
  • Order and pay at the bar (pin only).
  • Students get a 10% discount on drinks.
  • Reservation is necessary. To reserve a spot, please use the contact form or reach out to us via


Moon Gallery is an international collaborative artwork and a gallery of ideas worth sending to the Moon. Moon Gallery aims to set up the first permanent museum on the Moon. Moon Gallery will launch 100 artefacts to the Moon within the compact format of 10 x 10 x 1cm plate on a lunar lander exterior panelling as early as 2025. In this Petri-dish-like gallery, we are developing a culture for future interplanetary society. What are the ideas we want to promote into the future? What are the ideas we want to leave behind?

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The Moon Gallery has the status of a cultural ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling). ANBI translates to Public Benefit Organization and entails that we are active in the cultural field and committed to benefit the public.