Sophie Hooghiemstra




The Netherlands



In my opinion, the most important part we as a species need to achieve, is unity, connection and teamwork. This all plays a part in the linkage we share. All our accomplishments are made possible with the help of equal linkage, and great teamwork with people. This is something I think is incredibly special about us. These important aspects will be symbolized by a piece of jewellery, a silver chain with a pearl. The overall round shape reflects the lunar orbit around the earth. The pearl will be painted black and white to illustrate the different phases of the moon. The chain will stand for the firm connection (physical and psychological) between moon and earth. Last but not least the chain will symbolize that all achievements in a big project are only possible via unity, connection and teamwork as mentioned above. A small piece of the chain will be incorporated in the 1x1x1 cube. Also we included a tiny footprint, representing our ecological footprint we leave on earth and leave on the moon as well. This as a reminder of our responsibility to our next generations.


Let me introduce us:

Caroline Hooghiemstra, 56 years old and I work as a doctor’s assistent in the Haaglanden Medisch Centrum, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Hansje Hooghiemstra, 35 years old, studied Climate and Environment at the Haagse Hoge school at The Hague and working at Tygron, Geodesign Platform, The Hague, the Netherlands.

Vera Hooghiemstra, 22 years old, law student at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sophie Hooghiemstra, 20 years old, Animation/Audiovisual student at Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht. She is also executive for this project.

We believe that because of brave people who pluck up courage, progress is made.

When I, Caroline, was at the Moon Gallery exhibition at Quartair in The Hague, I was impressed by the interesting works of the participating artists. All artists have been inspired in their work by, among other things, sustainability, ethics, knowledge and science. On the way home, I realized the importance of the new mission to the moon in 2024. When the first man set foot on the moon in 1969, this was a very different milestone from the mission that will take place in 2024. Now we will look at the possibilities of cultivating and exploring the moon so that maybe someday people could actually work/live on the moon. Maybe even a springboard for a mission to Mars! And when you think in this way about what is important to bring to the moon, you suddenly understand why the Moon Gallery is such a good project.

The following thoughts crossed my mind:

We on earth should be proud to have a moon. The other planets nearer to the sun have no moons. So let us be happy that we have at least one.

The moon has a strong link with the earth. It is anchored to the earth by the gravitational field of the earth. The moon is a permanent companion of the earth on the way through the universe. For many people the moon is a symbol of quietness and peace.The moon has a physical and psychological linkage to the earth.

If we ever really come to work/live on the moon, it is absolutely essential not to ruin the virtually untouched moon.

A human is a product of its upbringing. As a parent, I have tried to educate my children so that they for themselves are able to make good decisions, make their own mistakes, and learn from them. If there is something that I think is worthwhile to send to the moon in 2024, it is a message in which one can see and hear which values, skills, competences and intentions are worthwhile to sent into space. With the aim of securing the moon for future generations.