Data Scientist, Musician, Artist
Artist statement:
The water molecule, a dipole in space where the others are suspended. The oracle of order and chaos. Unquantifiable. The molecule that represents all life. It is you.
As a programmer in the field of bioinformatics, the topic of understanding molecules is the core within the dawn of such sciences. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology became upon the mechanical quantification of the molecules within living systems. Quantifying chemical structures, performing simulation, taking the parts of a system to understand the system; molecules are what make our system function.
A cell makes its energy with a protein complex called ATP synthase, otherwise known as Complex V. Our understanding of the dynamics solvents and motor like protein complexes as such is an arguable breakthrough in the fundamental understanding of the self.
The submission contains a protein engulfed in a water solvent, not unlike molecular simulation, in crystal form, in 3D. This snapshot encapsulates one of the infinite numbers of conformations of each water molecule surrounding this complex system. The materials are 3 shards crystals for each water molecule and a handmade clay model of the complex’s quaternary structure.